
This is Bombshell's slot 8 weapon, the M99 Barrett.

Loadout Description[]


A very powerful .50 BMG bolt action rifle.

ALT-FIRE: Toggle Scope


This weapon is a powerful sniper rifle. While it can be fired automatically, it has terrible accuracy when fired quickly or from the hip.

A discerning sniper knows the best way to use this beauty is to crouch, remain stationary and scope out targets. The scope enhances accuracy, crouching increases it further. If you hold down Sprint key while using the scope, you will slow down time which is very handy for shooting a fast moving targets (This will consume stamina though). The weapon's great damage and ability to inflict even greater damage to heavy armour and robots makes it a fantastic anti-materiel rifle, or for picking off high priority targets. However, its high damage is wasted on lesser enemies, unless you're drowning in spare ammo.

Despite possessing a bipod, M99 cannot be deployed like Highwire's RPK.


There are no upgrades for the M99 Barrett.

More information[]

Wikipedia article on the M99.

Bombshell's Weapons
Slot 2: Desert Eagle · Slot 3: AA12 · Slot 4: American M4+M203 · Slot 5: XM-25 · Slot 6: Hand Grenade · Slot 7: Shrinker/Expander · Slot 8: M99 Barrett · Slot 9: Tripbomb · Slot 0: Freezegun